CLA notes 20141111

Speech act theory –?

Piaget : ecocentric stage

Theory of mind

Calibration (referential commmunication/talk)

關於re-request 的research question


  1. 我該換一隻黑色的筆來用。這種中性筆在光亮的紙質上會很難乾掉。
  2. 上課的報告或導讀可以採用比較類似仔細帶著大家看過的模式,不過我的方式似乎不用這樣…是我的缺點和方式。跳過太多了…refer 和補充的方式似乎有問題,不能讓其他人清楚知道我想補充的東西。某種程度也表示我太容易跳過細節和解釋。
  3. 這課程也要有research proposal囉 (progress report)

Week 11 = progress report  (11/25) includes

  1. “motivation” “research question (1,2,3…)”
  2. “lit revew” “found gaps from literatures”
  3. “methods based on refs (will give answer to Q1, 2, 3…)”
  4. “early findings”
  5. “expected difficulties”
  6. “major refs”
  7. “corresponding titles for your Qs”)

Week 16, 17 = progress report (20-30 min for each person, with research results!)
