E-Z reader model: ? assumption
Emma model: 2 core assumptions
fixation onset = the real moment when we are processing
Tpp (time for preparation to move your eyeball)= saccade latency = a constant number of time to move your eyeball
Texc (time for executing eyeball movement)
Tprograming = Tpp + a little bit of Texc (the total time of silent eyeball)
Tenc = time for encoding the lexical meaning (pure time for parsing the single word's lexical meaning)
Beta 1
Beta 2
Beta 3
low spatial frequency = 字體的長度和大概輪廓團塊(讓眼球跳到下个地方的大概資訊)
high spatial frequency
Visual accuity = Zigma [ (word aplha value )/ word length]
word alpha value examples:
432101234 sum#1 = 20
012345678 sum#2 = 36
word length of "attention" = 9
visual accuity in this case #1 = 20/9
case #2 = 36/9
single fixation -> two or multiple fixation points
這個案例中是講中文的landing position是用什麼決定的?
因為英文是很明顯受到space 的影響,會有preferred landing position,中間偏前面
中文一定會有segmentation process出現,可是在整個認知過程中他的位置和時間在哪裡?會不會影響landing position?
2003 Reichle BBS the E-Z reader model of eye-movement control in reading (2003)
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