圖書館員常用英語 Frequently used English at library info desk

In case I am not working here anymore
I will pass down some phrases that you will frequently use here in the info conunter.
I will keep updating these if I am free from other tasks.
This will help you do better in your job and in your life. 

你需要我們幫你尋書嗎? Do you need us to find the book for you?
請填寫這張表單  Please fill the form for us. 
逾期 It's overdued. 
要繳交罰款 You're fined. 
需要續借嗎? Do you need to renew it? 
這書後面有人預約了,不能續借  The book is currently booked by someone, so you can't renew it.
借書期間為一個月  You may hold the book for a month.
Endnote 或電子資源問題可以請教三樓櫃台 For e-resource problems or Endnote, you may consult the librian at the info desk at third floor.


吳浩民 Howard Wu
政治大學英語教學所  102551020@nccu.edu.tw
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