Pilot study report v.1

Here: I will compose this many times before I send it to prof. 

let me list out the problems encountered so far
1. the Y-axis alignment is corrupted so there are dots outside the ROI. But they shall be count into the ROI.
2. Grouping of the test is problematic: the best grouping shall be a 2x2 matrix. Mine is a 2x1 matrix. 
3. Way of defining efficiency. I use the looseness of the dot as an indication for reading speed. Yes we do have time stamp of each dot. But these "looseness" can not faithfully explain if their reading is efficient. 
4. the way they scan through the passage. (they just move their eyes without really reading it!)

Some methods to improve such problems
(Hold until I submit it)

 (PDF file submitting to Moodle, due 1/11, pm17:00)

Single space (or larger), 12 points (or larger), maximum 4 A4 pages including a cover page.

Cover page


introduction & literature review

Methods: design, material, procedure, etc…

Anticipating results

My pilot study focus on finding out if there are any evidence that mnemonic devices can help achieve better reading efficiency. Here we define better reading efficiency as "less regression", faster reading pace, and better retention (comprehension) after reading. We will have two groups of participants reading the passage, and measure the fixation and time stamps to see the total time used. I will also analyze the time used after passing the circled area (main verb)

The material is chosen from the novel "metro 2033", written by a Russian novelist. It's a crucial step to choose suitable materials. I am measuring the the reading efficiency by time stamp and fixation numbers. I figure out that I would need a  passage with suitable syntactic structure. To briefly explain my desired "pattern" on the passage, I would reinforce the elements we are looking for: the SVO structure. 

I must find a passage with many SVO structure, but it cannot be too complicated or with many dangling sentences. It shall not be too boring to read with, it's better with some scene or plot description to stimulate the reader to go on with a comfortable pace. 
But after the test I was told by the participants that the passage is very boring. This is beyond my expectation. I thought I chose the right material. So how am I going to change things like this happen again? I was advised by zuzana that I shall tell the participants we will ask them the content of the passage. So they will read with more carefully. 

(Hold until I place them here)

吳浩民 Howard Wu
政治大學英語教學所  102551020@nccu.edu.tw
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