A message: Synesthesia and syntax learning research for dyslexia and ADHD people

Prof. Ward:

I am Howard Wu, a graduate student from Taiwan in East Asia, and this is the first time I write to you.
Prof. Butterworth introduced you to me and advised me to contact you for more information.
I have a rare kind of synesthesia: tactile feeling and syntax (esp. Part of speech)

I have been studying English teaching in NCCU for three years. About 1.5 years ago, I discovered that the way I perceived English syntax is very different from my classmates and my teachers - that's the point when I realized that I got synesthesia, which is an advantage for certain application like learning a new language syntax or making a teaching device for syntax. So I redirect my research direction to a rare field (syntax teaching based on pattern training device) and encounter some more unexpected difficulties.

  1. I was designing an experience based on my own synesthesia. A man-triggering synesthesia does not happen as easy as I expected. More importantly, it may not happen in the way I had expected. 
  2. The choosing of research method (paradigm)
  3. Probably no professor knows about all these fields at the same time, nor do they have interest in participating the project that doesn't seem to benefit their current issues immediately. (Is it only happen here in Taiwan or the same in the rest parts of the world?) I have been trying to find a advisor but I was turned down many times. 
  4. I made many tutoring and English teaching ranging from 11 to 17 years old students. At least two of them are dyslexics, certified by doctors. I apply me methods and see some improvement from their performance and this is interesting. 

I think you might be interested in tracing cases and researchers like me. So I would be keep writing to you soon. 
