0605 Update (rescheduled)
The house agent Ms. Sumita advised me that I should check possible houses on first day when I arrived Fukuoka. So I can have plenty of time to consider the options in the following few days before I leave Japan.
After that, the owner and agent company will need at least 2 weeks - 1 month to clean up and check everything in that house before it's handed to me. So I revised my schedule accordingly.
But I will need COE, newly issued Visa, Japanese bank account, Japanese telephone no. to sign and rent a house.
- The COE will be issued in late June. I will therefore use it for applying work visa in early July.
- I will wait until Mercari prepare the account info and mobile in Late July
- Arrived Tokyo on 721 (as requested 9 days before onboard date)
- Stay in temp. inn while waiting for all the accounts are ready
- Do the Fukuoka house tour in early or mid Aug.
- I can't sign the house with Tourist visa in June
- must wait for all info ready in Late July
- Sign a house in early August and move to Fukuoka in early September. (This is the original schedule by Mercari)
- My Mercari sponsored ticket info is necessary for the packing by Yamato moving company in Taiwan. (The ticket is likely to be issued in early July)
- The packing and moving will be conducted in 2 diff. locations in Taipei. It's best to move in early July.
For future Mercari coworkers (2023)
Rei would like to meet us (me and another new technical writer Ms. Parker) I heard Ms. Parker will be onboard half month earlier than I do. It would be nice and I think the appropriate time would be around 721-724.
We can arrange a visit at Mercari Tokyo office between 721 - 725. (Rei will spend a month in US after 726)
- My personal June visit (617-20 Tokyo, 620-624 Fukuoka)
- My onboard August visit (with Mercari plane ticket, around 721 in Tokyo or slightly earlier)
- My Official onboard date is August 1
- This is why there could be problem if I use a tourist Visa in June and try to rent a house without COE or other certificates from the company. (though I got offer letter)
We can arrange a visit at Mercari Tokyo office between 721 - 725. (Rei will spend a month in US after 726)
Mail or PM me to let me know if there's any issue. (By the time of writing the post, I only have limited contact channels with Mercari employees and future coworkers)
福岡市的樣子,早良區和城南右下角都是丘陵山脈 |
617 (六) 早上松山九點去東京
- 松山機場取wifi機
- 下榻港區 六本木 (雷姆飯店)
- 618: 府中市. 武藏野(吉祥寺)、調布市
- 619: 神奈川 川崎市大師區 宮前區
- 620: 港區的六本木 森大樓
- 下榻 中央區大濠公園前(unplan fukuoka)
- 621:
House tour!(save this to early August) - 622: 福岡塔、福岡西區 姪浜車站 南 (福重町) 、室見川綠地 (同時測試和觀察傍晚、以及紅線的運量速度)
- 623: 福岡中洲(晚上回來到博多車站購物)、城南區 (往太宰府)
- 624: Sing the house and return to Taipei
621early Aug),一天內密集看完當時可以的選項,接下來才能有時間思考並準備簽約 (I will sign in early Aug so I shall only make house tour by then)
624 (六)晚間九點回台灣
- 福岡 飛 桃園機場
- 還wifi機器
要去看的地區在府中和隔壁的神奈川 |
購物資訊 (福岡市區)
- 這樣我八月到東京就不用一直兩地來回找房,就是認真處理到職的事情
- 把家當從東京港通關才能送去福岡
- 認識東京這座城市
- 拜訪Mercari這間公司的總部
- 可能會事先約定時間,和未來的專案同事相約見面打個招呼
- 在福岡安頓所有的家具和生活用品、網路水電瓦斯
電動腳踏車 (chari chari, hello cycling) 營運範圍
腳踏車還有分電動輔助或一般的 |
很類似台北板南線的亞東醫院站。https://subway.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/eki/stations>/meinohama.php 再往後只剩下"九大學研都市"站是快速直通站。下山門站附近也有捷運的維修調度場,似乎車子在抵達這站以後會決定是否進入調度,所以在此之前往福岡機場站的都是每站都停的快速捷運。
從姪浜這個車站到福岡機場只要半小時不到 |
出乎意料的是住田小姐說姪浜這一區為昂貴且多為自住的高級區,但我覺得南邊的姪浜大通這條馬路看起來(以及機能性)其實很像土城捷運站附近的生活圈。 我猜測高級住宅區應該是北邊海濱的別墅區,南邊的話應該比較庶民吧。不過這也是我一個外地人單純看Google Map或查到的理解,實際上一定得去現場才能更明白狀況。
PS: 福岡市中心會有機場噪音問題,這點和台北市中心的松山機場很像。所以住的話要離市中心有一小段距離比較好。目前我在台北市中山區每天感受很明顯。疫情趨緩後,松山機場每小時大概都有10班以上的航機起降,聲音超級大。
Please leave your comments. I will read them in mailbox and reply.