





 From my side there's not anything I can help before the ticket management issue is resolved.This hinders our daily work a lot, such as 

  • writing documentation
  • tracking software development based on latest status. 

Our CEO had promised to resolve it since last September, but there's not any progress since then. 

Everyday we are still suffering from slow jira, lack of tickets or documents updated, no proper business requirements being analyzed. Even people in the same office in Taipei can not communicate effectively because the info can not be easily synced with face to face meeting. We have hit the limit of productivity for long and burnt out too many good employees, that even recruitment with their greatest effort, can't catch up the speed of people fleeing the company.


這是我刪掉了一段從信裡面出現的負面情緒文字。 雖然是負面的,但解釋了為什麼兩個組織的兩百人都在受苦。在這個過程中,因為唯一的開單系統是位於另一方,但雙方卻都不用開單系統溝通。這是在早期人還沒很多的時候都太習慣用IM,導致開單系統完全形同虛受。另一方面,政治上的折衝,人員的欠缺訓練,導致了大家為了避免當說出國王新衣的那個小孩,所以習慣不留下痕跡的im。

但現實上,真正能自保的,反而是寫在ticket system上的資訊。太多員工因為資訊只在im,導致他們無法自保、虛度光陰多年最後憤而離職。這種情況我是第二次遇到,只有非常不入流的企業才會這樣。

這個去中心的中心,是什麼意思? 其實應該說,他是眾人可以接受有公信力的場域,但不受檯面上的管理層控制。他不是一個流言蜚語的集散地,上面的資訊很新且正確性高,但不容易受到惡意竄改、惡意不去更新或操控。即使所有人都是為自己利益而驅動的情況下,這個訊息系統的中心依舊能保持正確資訊和不斷自動被更新。
