[Interview.8 ] Ubuntu technical writer 2023

這是Canonical,也就是大名鼎鼎的Ubuntu,製作Linux系統的公司。 這個職缺 ( 2022年末 - 2023年初) 開了有三個月左右,可遠端。正式的職缺名是" technical author" 。我追蹤Ubuntu兩年多的經驗,差不多每年都會找人。我認為是沒有放棄找人,因為它們的要求比較高。


未錄取。直接在第一階段被刷掉,我是三天後才收到它們系統的另一封通知信,當然是罐頭回復問招募體驗如何。我一直傻傻地等,想說怎麼送件這麼久了都沒下文。 這方面讓人覺得它們的招募體系有點不可靠。


(偏高 5/5 ) 未知。因為沒有到面試階段,所以不知道面試題目會是什麼。也沒辦法談到細節,對於工作需求的實際狀況未明。 


這個職缺的重點是有開在台灣和日本,我知道Canonical從十年以前就有在台灣深耕,因為台灣的硬體和系統廠商製造實力,所以要出貨的PC或NB如果要測試或預載ubuntu,一定是在這裡做深層的結合。至於時區上也許也是為了配合台灣 畢竟2022年的k8s大會上的CEO Mark,也是願意用視訊遠端,在清晨四點的時候和素未謀面的與會工程師們打招戶、介紹自己的公司接下來一年目標,接受提問等。可以看得出來Canonical對台灣和東亞地區的厚望。表示他也認為至少東亞時區 (GMT+8, GMT+9 ),會有需要的人才,也是他公司的發展動力。

Ubuntu 另外還提供了一個參考連結 https://diataxis.fr/adoption/ 

  • https://ubuntu.com/blog/diataxis-a-new-foundation-for-canonical-documentation
  • https://ubuntu.com/blog/engineering-transformation-through-documentation  
關於這個新制度有一些新聞,但過往十多年都是靠forum熱度起家的公司,我有點懷疑這能行嗎。畢竟他們的起家很大部分是靠著愛用者無償在論壇上回覆解答,有點類似open source傳教士的那種氣氛。但要是最新手的人或路人都不能夠輕易參與或搜尋、回答,這樣的制度很可能會使文件走向openSuSE這樣的更小眾linux社群,也就是沒有人會想去好心解答和保持論壇的討論熱度了。

從以上都可以看得出來他們的要求比較高,這個職缺上可能也沒有額外的技術支援,所以最好本身就已經是一個很有經驗的工程師。話說回來,如果是這樣,一般的工程師應該是不會選擇這個職業道路的,畢竟薪水一定不會比當工程師高的吧?  這就會導致永遠的懸缺,而不是能找到有潛力或能培養到這高度的新人來工作。

但我也勉勵自己能成為像是這樣的一個technical writer,只專注處理一些圍繞在文件系統和網站呈現上的技術需求,以及有基礎的系統和程式設計能力。這部分,目前在東亞真的也是欠缺,連最初等級的technical writer都很少,職缺和待遇也才剛起飛而已。所以更要努力蒐集和分享各種可能性,讓新人和老手知道和交流。

Technical writer這個職缺的最高殿堂或最終重點,其實不是在直接使用現有的工具寫任何文字敘述,而是在小小改造現有工具的情況下,大幅優化流程,讓公司的文件資訊能夠最大限度的流通和正確存在。這是一個有機的做法(like gardening, documentation is an organic activity. Even with the utmost care, sometimes certain doc still dried out due to lack of new information and participation from employees),而不是一個冷冰冰的打字秘書 (documentation is not house-keeping for words. You works out to transform the info soil fertile , removed weeds,  set up a good canal for info source like watering, and see what can be grown from this digital garden of a company.)。

職缺需求截圖 (JD snapshot)


職缺需求文字敘述 JD for search engine (from linkedin)

at Canonical - Jobs (View all jobs)

Home based - Asia Pacific, Tokyo

As a technical author, you’ll be part of an engineering team, focused on a specific Canonical product.
You will lead the team effort to create, maintain and improve documentation that serves the needs of the product's users, embracing the principles of the Diátaxis documentation framework. You will have a broad impact on - and responsibility for - the quality of the user experience with the product, and will contribute towards the long-term success of the project itself.
As the technical author on the team, you will collaborate with software developers, product managers, community members, other documentation authors, information architects, quality assurance engineers and technical support engineers to develop clear documentation for complex technical topics.
You will have an important role in a company-wide effort to establish excellence in documentation, across all aspects of its practice.

What you'll do

  • Create, maintain and improve tutorials, how-to guides, reference guides and explanatory material
  • Address the needs of users including developers, system administrators and end-users
  • Use and explore the product in depth, to help discover where the documentation needs to be improved
  • Review, road-test and improve practical guides
  • Update reference and explanation material in collaboration with colleagues
  • Improve and correct documentation based on feedback from users and technical support
  • Read design documents and specifications
  • Build, install, and use pre-release software to assist in generating proper instructions
  • Standardise the structure, presentation, style and language of content across products
  • Actively improve documentation, through attention to practice, process, tools and users’ needs
  • Contribute towards the development of documentation as a professional discipline at Canonical

Our best candidate

  • Is a technical author who's comfortable working with, reading and writing code, or a programmer/developer with a record of producing excellent documentation
  • Has software development experience in Python, JavaScript or other suitable languages
  • Is familiar with application deployment, system operations, and infrastructure management
  • Is qualified with a BS/BA or equivalent in Technical Communication, English, or Computer Science
  • Is experienced working in a technical writing position
  • Has excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Has the ability to assimilate technical information rapidly from a variety of sources
  • Has the character and flexibility to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Is familiar with command line UNIX/Linux
  • Is effective working in a distributed team
  • Is confident using Ubuntu Desktop for all of the above
  • Is familiar with Git or other version control systems
  • Has knowledge of HTML and Markdown
  • Is able to travel twice a year for up to two weeks for events
Canonical is a growing international software company that works with the open-source community to deliver Ubuntu, the world’s best free software platform. Our services help businesses worldwide reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance security with Ubuntu.
We are proud to foster a workplace free from discrimination. Diversity of experience, perspectives, and background create a better work environment and better products. Whatever your identity we will give your application fair consideration.

