Onboarding schedule July (Taipei - Tokyo - Fukuoka)

I write the post to make sure all the parties that help me finish the onboard process will be on the same page. Info will be circulated like yamate circle line (山手線) so everyone know when is their turn to move without feeling anxious or lost. There's no common ticket system (issue tracker platform among all parties), so the only thing to do is to write post, and only send mail to confirm corresponding portion for each party. This is probably the best way to achieve efficiency while keeping necessary privacy and safety issue.

(I don't have a Japan mobile no. yet, and I am not yet part of the Mercari so things are tough to deal with most of the time --- different IM tools or communication support. I am the center of the process yet it's really easy to be marginalized in a foreign land)

There shall be no information "dead end" (the forgotten stations) in a well-routed web. Since I will be the only person who experience all the moving process in every stop, and get deeply involved, I hope such a post can serve as a circle line to reduce the pain, patch the missing pieces on the timetable, and make sure that the schedule and timeline would be a good reference for people.

I will be moving 3 times from July to Sep, it would be a huge challenge to pack and unpack alone in 4 locations (土城、台北、東京、福岡) while working at the same period and keeping others updated for what I am working on.
This is why I write post beside sending email.

台北-福岡 = 2.5 hr

台北-東京羽田 = 3.5 hr

東京羽田和 福岡之間 約為1000公里,飛行時間略少於兩小時。如果搭新幹線希望號(のぞみ),則是5.5 hr。

根據公司規劃的時程,分為四個階段。Stage 1- 4 大約需要三個月。每個階段都有超級多事情要做,我爸本來還要我去找打工,但實際上我要獨自一個人打包、拆家具、(以及丟掉老家的家具或改裝)、和跑程序的事情太多了,一個人三個月下來幾乎是沒有休息的餘地。不可能再去做其他的事情。


我在寫這篇時碰上evernote一個很少人遇上的隱形bug(Evernote hidden restriction) 。每一個記事本有隱藏的容量上限。這容易出現在一個notebook裡面有許多note放著截圖或照片的情況。比如遊記或租房的資訊或照片等。單純一個note的上限是200mb,但卻沒有提到單一notebook的上限是多少容量。能先找到root cause,總比人在海外只剩手機或機場wifi時遇上還要好吧?


Stage 1: Offer acceptance - COE application


  1. 護照(過期須重新申請)
  2. 駕照譯本、利用一周報名並考取大重(big bike)駕照
  3. 洗牙
  4. 各項證明英文譯本(處方用藥、結婚、學歷)。
  5. 依照要求,先製作一個印章在日使用
  6. 研究日本各地的環境或通勤(過程中會慢慢理解歷史和風土氣候
  7. 研究house agent後聯繫適合的agent。(公司有五間推薦合作的會英文agent)


The "simple" English translation should be written in a separate doc file from the original one. Do not just watermark the English on the scan diploma or marriage certificate. My COE was rejected after a month even the rules said it's ok to just give English translation by yourself. So it took another 1.5 months to start the process all over again. 

Although I applied all the official English certificates with my password name for back up, it took me at least another month.


稱謂的決定是一個很大的問題。在台灣或西方世界都沒有想過這種事情,但日本的姓氏(改夫姓)與稱謂會是一個文化衝擊。我本身並不在意被稱為Mr. Wu,或Go-san, Howard-san,同一個漢字在幾個語言發音有些差異並不奇怪,是很習慣的。但日本政府會要求在留卡等正式文件上面註記唯一一種發音念法,不管你是英語法語德語華語韓語。而對於未婚女生或已婚的女生,以及同事之間稱呼要用全名還是只用姓、用名就會是一個問題。按照日本的法律和傳統,老婆會被稱為Ms. Go或 Ms. Wu、Go-san,只是這樣就很混淆。台灣女生的身分認同轉換在另一篇曾提過,往往是以生子做界線來真的當作變成夫家姓氏。總之就讓老婆用原本的姓氏給房仲住田小姐來稱呼。

同時我也注意到日本社會,即使有時依照西方習慣做了名前姓後的調換,為了避免混淆,在英文拼寫上為了會把姓氏的拼音大寫。這是一個不錯的方式。小時候我總不知道為什麼林原惠有時候寫成megumi hayashibara,有時候又是hayashibara megumi。如果寫成megumi HAYASHIBARA這樣肯定不會弄錯。不過林原惠看起來也很像台灣人的名字就是了。


Stage 2: COE application - joining date


  1. 拜訪年紀大的長輩,因為接下來也沒辦法去看他們了。
  2. 幫老家的父母更換或回收老舊電器家具、設置好電器或遠端視訊鏡頭(解放雙手如同在客廳一般聊天)
  3. 報名日文班 (扎實複習或從頭學) 
  4. 填寫Visit Japan Web


  • My COE will be sent through FedEx/DHL in late June
    • Use the COE to go to local embassy applying for work visa. 
  • With the work visa the company Mercari can issue me and my wife's plane tickets. 
  • Use the company issued plane ticket to have yamato moving company pack up and move luggage. (early July)

Stage 3: After arrival - Joining date


  • Receive the bank account and mobile no. 
  • Make house tour. 
  • Rent a house with the info provided 


Stage 4: Joining date - Move in your apartment




後面還有一堆事情,真的拿到鑰匙進房子以後還有水電瓦斯網路要開通。甚至家電要租要買,要等我的家當從東京灣載到福岡。(根據搬家公司的說法,不能一開始就把貨物運至目的地港口等待入關。)。總之這些事情就沒有寫在Stage 4裡面了...因為那就不是公司的工作,而是海外移住者的挑戰了。


  • 彈性要自己找,不能提前或過度延長,公司的時間沒辦法變,那就以此為框架或容器去適度承載該做的任務。
  • 要打包分裝或拆裝分解大型家具扛回去只能靠自己,老婆給你精神支持已經是最大的鼓勵,要相信自己的能力和人們的專業經驗。保持良好聯繫。(not just texting messages)
  • 海內外大筆的帳單突然一直來,但收入或帳戶都還沒消息,本以為存款很夠的但現在覺得好恐怖。明明都是花在刀口上了。



